
Showing posts from 2015

need them pt.2

I do not know what I've been thinking all day long. The memories hit me every time I am alone. Rindu Bustan, but I wanna get rid those misunderstood among the housemates. That's how things are good enough to keep in mind. I missed times when I met my dormmate maxisegar and remembered how naive I could be at that time. Be the innocent happy gal and trying hard to avoid any things that could make ppl hurt. Remember how I started a new life in a rent house with new ppl. And the most unbelievable thing happened when I started to know who I can befriend and who I can rely most on upon. I learned how great our life could be if we make friends sincerely. No talking at the back. Just simply giving advice, exchange stories and be there when they need you, make fun of each other and be with ppl who could handle you bila kau paling manja dan annoying.

need them pt. 1

#1 Sejak semalam aku susah nak makan, tapi bedal je walaupun sakit. Ulcer dalam mulut ni annoying sngat. Tetiba teringat zati. At least sebulan sekali mesti mulut dia ada ulcer. Dia susah sangat nak consume air kosong. So aku selalu bebel dia suruh minum air rindulah . #2 Minggu exam memang cartoon gals ni ada ja benda nak diskusi. Time macam nilah teringat nak share thoughts(like everyday actually), what we like, what we wanna do and etc... So esoknya 3org tu nak exam tpi aku tak. Sbbnya dorang kos lain dari aku. Aku je sesat dalam bilik tu. Plan baik punya nak kluar jalan right after their last paper. But then, i have to go home for my muet papers. Daaannnggg! That makes me have to take a risk of whatsoever afterwards bcause im home. Abah won't allowed me to go anywhere. which disappoint me even more. I need to return to Bustan. #3 Kalau dekat Bustan, time2 sepi sabtu ahad mesti simpan harapan nak jasad dan ruh ada kat kampung. Sbbnya nak keluar jalan2 senan

happened to have GERD

Assalamualaikum and lit positive vibes in your life, Let's begin my random talk and see where it will lead to. Well, there are many things happened to me eventually. For almost a year ago, my body suffers silently. It is not a big deal though because I think that I've been practising a healthy diet in a wrong way. Yeah, umm this is kind of confession. In return, I will vomit after taking meals. And as it seems to be unbalanced throughout a year, my body eager to throw out even more out of any specific foods that I able to think my body could not swallow. I started to cut off eating any sausages which I cheat sometimes, and that's how it goes. However, for not taking those sausages doesn't stop my throat from puking. the list expends in a manner that I couldn't even think. from sausages to salad, and fry eggs and also milk. the worst is at the time I drank coffee and it ultimately reacts to the entire meals that I have from the day before and it really pisse

blank heart

how to measure your disaster? -a day full of blessed twisted around -you are unable to hide your feeling through smile -your head getting dizzy like its goin to explode -your heart feel hurt