happened to have GERD

Assalamualaikum and lit positive vibes in your life,

Let's begin my random talk and see where it will lead to. Well, there are many things happened to me eventually. For almost a year ago, my body suffers silently. It is not a big deal though because I think that I've been practising a healthy diet in a wrong way. Yeah, umm this is kind of confession. In return, I will vomit after taking meals.

And as it seems to be unbalanced throughout a year, my body eager to throw out even more out of any specific foods that I able to think my body could not swallow. I started to cut off eating any sausages which I cheat sometimes, and that's how it goes. However, for not taking those sausages doesn't stop my throat from puking. the list expends in a manner that I couldn't even think. from sausages to salad, and fry eggs and also milk. the worst is at the time I drank coffee and it ultimately reacts to the entire meals that I have from the day before and it really pissed me off. I'm on errands to the toilet and back to the seats in my class. well, it does sound kind of me doing project right?

I'm doing nothing and doing my best to avoid those annoying things that make my body to shake off. and keep keep keep calm and be positive. yeah, I simply giving text to my elder sister and faced my lunatic stomach. having a long thought that imagined without any sense, so I go for a light check-up until the doctor asked me to do a scope. I suffer for GERD (gastro oesophagal reflux disease)

what is the scope? it is also called endoscopy. A tube with a tiny camera is inserted through the mouth and down the throat. The doctor can use the camera to look inside the oesophagus and see any damage or problems caused by reflux. does it sound creepy? I could say so but it wasn't that bad.
the nurse who was in charge told me plenty of the dos' and the don's before and after the scope. Basically, the list of the don's goes on:

  • coffee, tea, and anything contains caffeine (my green tea say no ahhh and frappe... also)
  • chocolate
  • spicy and sour foods (no tomyam etc. sobs/ lemonade ughh)
  • milk, cheese (yahh i noe)
  • gets dizzy for 24 hours after scope and no driving!
well, just plain water and for sure cheating for a cup of milo and not to forget bread that you 'really long for' :(

Before the scope, I took the blood test, and have to empty my stomach for 4 hours. then, waited for scope and wearing the blue ward patient-clothes. I have to drink a tiny medicine cup of 'bius' medicine and a nurse put an oval-shaped tube about 2 cm on my upper mouth. I lay my body on my left and the doctor injected the needle on my left arm with no hesitation, slowly and one of the nurses injected a syringe of liquid and shut my eyes closed. Up until now, I don't know what happened until I opened my shy eyes an hour after. what a shame I still in an unconscious state but greatly my dad able to make me walked myself to the car and made an order at the McD drive-thru. believe me, doing this scope things doesn't affect me at all. the nurse said that I will end up rubbing my throat for pain and uncomfortable taste but I don't feel them.

a lot of hassle yesterday? not really, but it is a massive effort for my dad. The bill is quite expensive since I sort of thinking, should I proceed with the check-up? am I doing the right things? but I think it worth the effort that I finally answering the questioned that I keep for a year. Well for the good progression, I have to take 3 tablets for 3 types of medicines 30 minutes before eating. this medicine will be helping my stomach to reduce gas and helping my oesophagus to shed the foods away from getting back to the throat. I think this entry should be enough for me to just stop having a little more thought forward.

See you next time around,


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