big breakie


I just got some times to unfold this story.

I was playing tourist around the place that we used to go but explored another side of it.

Didn't go alone, I was accompanied by my favourite travel buddy, Ti.

Obviously, this wasn't well-planned sightseeing from us both but we had a few places to go in our mind; it didn't come from me for sure. I just follow her to-do-things on that early morning.

All along, we planned to have our breakfast early in the morning but I need 40 mins to pick her up. Therefore we had our food around 10.30 a.m.

Bon appétit. Shared this and that was the brilliant idea, so hard to finish it up. alone.

Ti definitely been loving the iced caramel latte while I was so occupied with my hot Caffe latte, came in with the set.

The cafe is really spacious and worth to go.

Perfect spot if you need a nice shot for the gram 😙

Indeed, a literally empty seat

Don't mind me, but I do like these side tables

Well, time to hop on another route

I will continue writing this soon. I left my external hard disk where I keep all the photos of this day and nothing left in my picture folder on my laptop. 

Hope that I will go back on my word.

Ciao. Have a great day ahead anyone who read this.


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